Early math skills are a natural part of learning for toddlers and preschoolers as they grow up. However, some support from our end can go a long way towards building a strong foundation in early math education. Following math activities for kindergarten will definitely help you with some fun and easy ideas to foster number sense, counting, sorting, measurement, shapes, and more.
Benefits of engaging children in hands-on and interactive math activities
When kids activities are hands-on and interactive, the learning is more fun and lasting. They will engage more enthusiastically and so many other skills like fine motor skills and social skills, will also improve.
These activities can be a part of your child’s playtime and be fun and entertaining. But the bonus point is that these are actually fostering important math skills in children.
Let’s see what they are.
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Counting and Number Recognition Math Activities
Counting with manipulatives
Depending on where you are, you can find manipulatives for this purpose of teaching counting.
At home, it can be blocks, toy cars, books, spoons, plates etc. You can make this activity sound as natural and play-based as you like.
For example,
- I am going to eat 3 strawberries. One! Two! Three!
- Let’s count these buttons.
- Can I have 5 blocks?
At the park or in the backyard, count flowers, rocks, twigs, trees, pinecones etc.
At the market, count apples, oranges, and eggs and let them help you bag them.
For example,
- We need 6 oranges.
- Can you grab 3 mangoes.
For number recognition and counting, board games like snakes and ladders are ideal.
The following pompom number game is super easy to set up. Cut circles in a paper and cover the circle with a tape so that the other side is sticky.
Your little one can place the number of pompoms as mentioned in the front. They love it!
Number puzzles can help your child recognise numbers. You can show them the number saying which number it is. Ask questions. Ask them to place the numbers in the correct order. Or ask them to find the missing number.
Try our online learning activities related to basic numbering and number matching.
There are so many songs and rhymes that your little one will enjoy. Listen to them, sing with them and sing again and again. When they hear it often, it will stick in their memory.
Warning : Get ready to hear the same song again and again for another 435 days 🙂
Sorting and Patterning Activities For Kindergarten
First of all, sorting is not as easy as it seems. It requires visual memory, cognitive skills and fine motor skills.
Sorting objects by shape, size, colour, or other attributes
Start with different coloured blocks. They can sort blocks by colour and shape.
You can mix different types of cereal and make a cereal bowl, or you can sort the grains.
Remember to give them a little challenge as they learn basic concepts.

Different sizes of beads is always a great way to improve sorting if your child is already good at basic sorting skills with blocks or other objects.
As you can see, this activity needs a lot of focus and visual perception as there are 5 sizes of beads in the bawl.
Pattern recognition games and activities
Pattern recognition is a must have skill for any person. Being able to see a pattern in an object, occurrence or behaviour is a skill that really helps us stand out from others.
Because it requires really good analytical and problem solving skills.
The good news is that this skill can be fostered from early childhood.
The first step to recognising patterns is getting an idea of a typical day.
Ask and see if your little one notices a pattern in their typical day.
Breakfast time when they wake up > Nap time after lunch > Bath before sleep
go to sleep when it’s dark > Wake up to sunlight
Some kids are so quick to understand and process this information. They will soon realise how weekends work, about once a month activities, when the next holiday is coming etc.
Activities that help pattern recognition,
Clapping patterns
Dancing steps – Left foot tap, right foot tap, turn around, repeat
Bead bracelets– Red, yellow, green, repeat
Spot patterns in the environment– waves, spirals, spots
Measurement and Comparison Activities For Kindergarten
Measurement and comparison are skills children acquire at a very young age. You will often hear them say, “I want the bigger piece” or “He’s got more lollies, that’s not fair” 🙂
There are many activities to foster their skills in measurement and comparison.
Using non-standard units to measure objects (e.g., counting blocks).
Comparing lengths, heights, and weights of objects.’
Estimation activities, such as guessing the number of objects in a jar.
Read this comprehensive article about measurement activities.
Shapes Activities For Kindergarten
Nature offers so many examples of shapes and geometry if we pay close attention. Understanding shapes and geometry helps to build important higher order thinking skills.
Encourage children to look closely and look for shapes like a full moon, stars.
Building 2D and 3D shapes using various materials
- Using popsicle sticks to make squares, rectangles and triangles.
- Using cookie cutters and cookie dough to make different shapes of cookies.
- Exploring symmetry in nature
Go for a nature walk and explore symmetry in nature.
Ex: Butterflies, flowers, leaves etc
Popsicle sticks are so versatile and can be used in many kids activities.
Following activity requires the kid to make different shapes using popsicle sticks.
Math activities for kindergarten lay a strong foundation for a solid understanding of number sense, counting, sorting, measurement, shapes, and more.
But the best part of it is that kids do love them, as they find them fun and entertaining.
Try these at home with your little one and please let us know how it goes.
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